14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

XENONnT light sensors: performance and reliability

17 Sep 2021, 07:00
Light/charge readout (PMT, SiPM, WLS, electronics etc.) Light/Charge Readout (4A)


Giovanni Volta (University of Zurich)


XENONnT is a dark matter direct detection experiment, currently in commissioning phase, located at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. It utilizes a TPC filled with 8.5 t of liquid xenon of which 5.9 t instrumented with 494 3-inch Hamamatsu R11410-21 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) divided into two arrays, placed at the top and bottom of the active volume. The light sensors have been selected after a testing campaign to ensure a reliable response and a time-stable functioning. These operations are briefly summarized, while the discussion is focused on the current PMT performance.

Primary author

Giovanni Volta (University of Zurich)


Presentation Materials