14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Predicting transport effects of scintillation light signals in large-scale liquid argon detectors

14 Sep 2021, 11:00
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations) Light/Charge Response (1B)


Patrick Green (The University of Manchester)


Liquid argon is being employed as a detector medium in neutrino physics and dark matter searches. A recent push to expand the applications of scintillation light in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber neutrino detectors has necessitated the development of new methods of simulating this light. The presently available methods tend to be prohibitively slow or imprecise due to the combination of detector size and the amount of energy deposited by neutrino beam interactions. In this talk we present a semi-analytical model to predict the quantity of argon scintillation light observed by a light detector based only on the relative positions between the scintillation and light detector. Our proposed method can be used to simulate light propagation in large-scale liquid argon detectors such as DUNE or SBND. This talk is based on Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 349 (2021), and will expand on the methods presented there applying them to other detector mediums such as liquid xenon or xenon-doped liquid argon.

Primary authors

Patrick Green (The University of Manchester) Dr Diego Garcia-Gamez (University of Granada) Dr Andrzej Szelc (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation Materials