14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Amorphous Selenium based VUV Photodetector for use in Liquid Noble Detectors

14 Sep 2021, 14:10
Light/charge readout (PMT, SiPM, WLS, electronics etc.) Light/Charge Readout (1C)


Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington)


Photon detectors which are sensitive to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) scintillation light produced in noble element particle detectors is an area of active research and development. In particular, searching for photoconductive materials which are capable of converting VUV light to charge could open the doorway to a potentially game changing solution of an integrated charge and light (Q+L) sensor for large area pixel based noble element detectors.In this talk, we present the study of amorphous selenium based photodetectors capable of operating at cryogenic temperatures and show the first measurements and characterizations made with these devices using a VUV source in a cryogenic environment.

Primary author

Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington)

Presentation Materials