Andrew Erlandson
(Carleton University)
DEAP-3600 is a liquid argon (LAr) scintillation detector designed to search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) at SNOLAB. Beyond the search for dark matter, the DEAP-3600 detector is also intrinsically sensitive to charged current interactions on 40Ar from 8B solar neutrinos. Here we present the expected detector response to high energy delayed coincidence events resulting from neutrino absorption on the ~3.2 tonne target mass. We exploit the Marley event generator in conjunction with a full optical simulation of the DEAP-3600 detector using the Reactor Analysis Tool (RAT). Through the delayed coincidence channel, we expect an event yield of (4.69 ± 0.43) events in a 7.20 tonne-year exposure in DEAP-3600.
Primary author
Andrew Erlandson
(Carleton University)