14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Optical Light Collection Amount Studies for Dedicated Measurements

16 Sep 2021, 12:15
Light/charge readout (PMT, SiPM, WLS, electronics etc.) Light/Charge Readout (3B)


A. Carolina Garcia B.


In long baseline Neutrino experiments like T2K, NOVA and the future DUNE, the Far Detector includes a Photon Detection System to help identify the physics signals from the noise presented. The signals correspond to the physical processes produced when a neutrino or antineutrino beam is sent from the near detector. When data is taken, one or multiple processes can be presented in a signal, and also one or multiple neutrinos can produce a signal, therefore, High Energy Physics methods and others are used to establish the correspondences and to identify the properties and characteristics of the processes. In the case of NOVA and DUNE, the photon detection system is built for a Liquid Argon chamber, and they share a common analysis tool which is LArSoft. In this presentation, one of the variables of the Photon Detection system is discussed, the Optical Hits module, which gives us the Optical Light Collection Amount. A fictitious detector is used to show how dedicated measurements can be done and how this variable can be used for the Calibration and Commissioning of the Photon Detection System.

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