14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

A first-principles approach to electron-ion recombination in liquid xenon

15 Sep 2021, 13:15
Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations) Signal Reconstruction (2C)


Olivia Piazza


A simulation was developed to explore the micro-physics of electron-ion recombination and recombination fluctuations in liquid xenon detectors. Generating primary mono-energetic particles between 100eV and 10keV with a drift field of 50V/cm to 2000V/cm, the model characterizes recombination events and predicts ionization yields. Of particular interest, the simulation utilizes realistic electron transport kinematics and the Cohen-Lekner ‘hot electron’ framework to describe the reduced influence of the liquid structure of xenon on the scattering of low energy electrons. Results obtained can be useful in the search for dark matter candidates and neutrino detections.

Primary author


Prof. Daniel McKinsey Vetri Velan (University of California, Berkeley)

Presentation Materials