14-17 September 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

HeRALD: A Superfluid Helium Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detector

15 Sep 2021, 11:15
Applications (dark matter, neutrino, medical physics etc.) Applications (2B)


Roger Romani (UC Berkeley)


HeRALD, an experiment within the SPICE/HeRALD collaboration, is a proposed sub-GeV scale dark matter detector based on a target of superfluid helium 4 and monitored by a Transition Edge Sensor based readout system. Several promising readout channels exist, including through monitoring quasiparticle (phonon and roton) and atomic (singlet photon and triplet) excitations. The quasiparticle channel (measured through the detection of quantum evaporated helium atoms) is of particular interest for low mass dark matter direct detection, with sensitivity to DM as light as 1 MeV. I will describe the proposed experiment and the potential reach of both shovel ready and future detectors, as well as recent R&D progress.

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